
姓  名:
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学  历:
电  话:
传  真:

  2013.12~今     中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,研究员
  2013.07~2013.09  丹麦奥胡斯大学,访问学者
  2005.08~2013.11  中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,副研究员
  2003.08~2005.07  中国科学南京地理与湖泊研究所,博士后
  2000.09~2003.06  中国科学院武汉水生生物研究所,水生生物学专业,博士
  1997.09~2000.06  浙江大学,植物保护专业,硕士
  1993.09~1996.06  安徽农业大学,农学专业,学士





1. Liu Xia, Deng Jianming, Li Yun, Jeppesen Erik, Zhang Min, Chen Feizhou. 2023. Nitrogen reduction causes shifts in winter and spring phytoplankton composition and resource use efficiency in a large subtropical lake in China. Ecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s10021-023-0085 5-z

2. Li Yun, Wang Rong, Su Haojie, Wang Jianjun, Xie Ping, Chen Feizhou. 2022. Eutrophication and predation mediate zooplankton diversity and network structure. Limnology and Oceanography, 67: S133-S145.

3. Li Yun, Shen Ruijie, Liu Xia, Su Haojie, Wu Fuqin, Chen Feizhou. 2022. Impacts of nutrient reduction on temporal β-diversity of rotifers: A 19-year limnology case study on Lake Wuli, China. Water Research, 219: 118364.

4. Liu Xia, Li Yun, Shen Ruijie, Zhang Min, Chen Feizhou. 2022. Reducing nutrient increases diatom biomass in a subtropical eutrophic lake, China–Do the ammonium concentration and nitrate to ammonium ratio play a role? Water Research, 218: 118493.

5. Liu Xia, Li Yun, Shen Ruijie, Jeppesen Erik, Liu Zhengwen, Chen Feizhou. 2022. A trophic cascade triggers blooms of Asterionella formosa in subtropical eutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Freshwater Biology, 67: 1938-1948.

6. Ding Rui, Chen Feizhou, Alekseev R. Victor. 2022. A redescription of the rare eucyclopine copepod Eucyclops productus Kiefer, 1939 (Multicrustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Cyclopidae) and a keу to Eucyclops subgenera and species of China and adjacent areas. Zootaxa, 5182(4):377-388.

7. Li Jing, Chen Feizhou, Yang Kun, Lu Wenxuan, Cui Kai. 2022. Functionally similar species of ciliates have similar dynamics: A biennial survey study in a large eutrophic lake. European Journal of Protistology, 82: 125844.

8. Cai Min, Johansson LS, S?ndergaard M, Lauridsen TL, Chen Feizhou, Sh T, Jeppesen Erik. 2021. Copepods as environmental indicator in lakes: special focus on changes in the proportion of calanoids along nutrient and pH gradients. Aquatic Ecology, 55: 1241-1252.

9. Cui Suzhen, Li Yun, Liu Le, Wang Qianhong, Chen Feizhou. 2021. Changes in astaxanthin and fatty acid concentrations during the developmental process in the calanoid Arctodiaptomus walterianus in an alpine lake at low latitudes. Journal of Plankton Research, 43(2):314-324.

10. Li Yun, Chen Feizhou. 2020. Are zooplankton useful indicators of water quality in subtropical lakes with high human impacts? Ecological Indicators, 113: 106167.

11. Shu Shusen, Brancelj A., Chen Feizhou, Yang Junxing, Chen Xiaoyong. 2017. A new freshwater stygobiotic calanoid (Copepoda: Speodiaptominae) from Yunnan, China. Zootaxa, 4290(1): 192-200.

12. Li Jing, Chen Feizhou, Liu Zhengwen. 2016. Bottom-up versus top-down effects on ciliate community composition in four eutrophic lakes (China). European Journal of Protistology, 53: 20–30.

13. Chen Feizhou, Shu Tingting, Jeppesen Erik, Chen Yuwei, Liu Zhengwen. 2013. Restoration of a subtropical eutrophic shallow lake in China: effects on nutrient concentrations and biological communities. Hydrobiologia, 718: 59-71.

14. Chen Feizhou, Chen Meijun, Kong Fanxiang, Wu Xiaodong, Wu Qinlong. 2012. Species-dependent effects of crustacean plankton on a microbial community, assessed using an enclosure experiment in Lake Taihu, China. Limnology and Oceanography, 57: 1711-1720.

15. Chen Feizhou, Gulati Ramesh D., Li Jing, Liu Zhengwen. 2011. A comparison of the size distribution of the filamentous green alga Ulothrix in Daphnia guts and lake water from Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Plankton Research, 33: 1274-1283.


1. 2023-2026, 高山湖泊哲水蚤昼夜垂直迁移行为对低温环境的适应机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人. 

2. 2017-2022, 中国湖泊微生物多样性及资源调查, 科技部科技基础资源调查专项项目, 项目负责人.